Custom animate( properties, [ duration ], [ easing ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .animate( properties, [ duration ], [ easing ], [ callback ] ) Perform a custom animation of a set of CSS properties.
Custom animate( properties, options ) jQuery .animate( properties, options ) Perform a custom animation of a set of CSS properties.
Custom clearQueue( [ queueName ] ) jQuery .clearQueue( [ queueName ] ) New 1.4 Remove from the queue all items that have not yet been run.
Custom delay( duration, [ queueName ] ) jQuery .delay( duration, [ queueName ] ) New 1.4 Set a timer to delay execution of subsequent items in the queue.
Custom dequeue( [ queueName ] ) jQuery .dequeue( [ queueName ] ) Execute the next function on the queue for the matched elements.
Fading fadeIn( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .fadeIn( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) Display the matched elements by fading them to opaque.
Fading fadeOut( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .fadeOut( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) Hide the matched elements by fading them to transparent.
Fading fadeTo( duration, opacity, [ callback ] ) jQuery .fadeTo( duration, opacity, [ callback ] ) Adjust the opacity of the matched elements.
Custom Boolean Globally disable all animations.
Basics hide() jQuery .hide() Hide the matched elements.
Basics hide( duration, [ callback ] ) jQuery .hide( duration, [ callback ] ) Hide the matched elements.
Data queue( [ queueName ] ) Array .queue( [ queueName ] ) Show the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements
Data queue( [ queueName ], newQueue ) jQuery .queue( [ queueName ], newQueue ) Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements
Data queue( [ queueName ], callback( next ) ) jQuery .queue( [ queueName ], callback( next ) ) Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements
Basics show( ) jQuery show( ) Display the matched elements.
Basics show( duration, [ callback ] ) jQuery .show( duration, [ callback ] ) Display the matched elements.
Sliding slideDown( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .slideDown( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) Display the matched elements with a sliding motion.
Sliding slideToggle( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .slideToggle( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) Display or hide the matched elements with a sliding motion.
Sliding .slideUp( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .slideUp( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) Hide the matched elements with a sliding motion.
Custom .stop( [ clearQueue ], [ jumpToEnd ] ) jQuery .stop( [ clearQueue ], [ jumpToEnd ] ) Stop the currently-running animation on the matched elements.
Event Helpers toggle( handler(eventObject), handler(eventObject), [ handler(eventObject) ] ) jQuery .toggle( handler(eventObject), handler(eventObject), [ handler(eventObject) ] ) Bind two or more handlers to the matched elements, to be executed on alternate clicks.
Event Helpers toggle( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) jQuery .toggle( [ duration ], [ callback ] ) Display or hide the matched elements.
Event Helpers toggle( showOrHide ) jQuery .toggle( showOrHide ) Display or hide the matched elements.