
Inglese, gli errori tipici: l'apostrofo

Le regole e gli esempi sull'uso dell'apostrofo in inglese.
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Quando devo usare l'apostrofo ?

  1. Si usa l'apostrofo seguito da una s per indicare il possesso (per indicare qualcosa appartiene a qualcos'altro):
    • The child's toys were lying all over the floor.
    • The bank's offices are in the centre of London.

    Quando la parsona o cosa che possiede è plurale si può mettere l'apostrofo dopo la s finale:
    • The players' boots were covered in mud.
    • The girls' shoes were the same colour.

    Non usare l' apostrofo con i pronomi possessivi: yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs:
    • Look at that bird. Its feathers are beautiful. (Errato: Look at that bird. It's feathers are beautiful.)
    • Are these seats ours? (Errato: Are these seats our's?)

  2. Negli scritti informali si possono usare le contrazioni. In questo caso si mette l'apostrofo per indicare le contrazioni (per segnalare che mancano delle lettere):
    • He's been studying English for a year. (He has been studying English for a year.)
    • We're going on holiday to Florida next week. (We are going on holiday to Florida next week.)

  3. Non usare l'apostrofo per indicare il plurale di parole abbreviate:
    • My suitcase weighs 30 KGs! (Errato: My suitcase weighs 30 KG's!)
    • I have two PCs and a laptop at home. (Errato: I have two PC's and a laptop at home.)

  4. Non usare l'apostrofo nel plurale di date e numeri:
    • In the 1940s (Errato: In the 1940's)
    • He's been working for this company since the seventies. (Errato: He's been working for this company since the seventie's.)


  • My friends laptop
  • My friend's laptop
  • These students names are all difficult to pronounce.
  • These students' names are all difficult to pronounce
  • Is that book your's?
  • Is that book yours?
  • Look at the tiger. It's fur is orange with black stripes.
  • Look at the tiger. Its fur is orange with black stripes.
  • Youre late!
  • You're late!
  • I don't buy CD's now. I buy all my music on-line.
  • I don't buy CDs now. I buy all my music on-line.
  • I don't like music from the 1980's
  • I don't like music from the 1980s.

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